Samstag, 19. Dezember 2015

Animals in the forest

Time is passing by, but it goes different here. Days can pass without even noticing and others never want to end.
And so people are passing by now there is just Falk and me left, all the other students are gone. The more people leave the more chameleon pop out of their places.
I recently checked my pictures and figured out that I have about 700 chameleon pictures…in all sizes, places and angels.
But of course you can find are also other animals here so I gonna give you a small view in the biodiversity of the Kirindy forest.

Probably one of the first association you have with Madagascar are always the Lemurs. They are the only primates here convergent to monkeys everywhere else. They do only exist on this island, about 100 different species.
In our forest you can find 8 different one, most of them are nocturnal and the only thing you can see is two shining eyes, reflecting the light at night, so its quite hard to take pictures of them. Here is one nocturnal lemur, the fat-taled Lemur.

These are the two daily active Lemurs, the Sifakas and the Gidros, quite sweet fluffy and the noises they do are really lovely, grunting like a pick.
Always funny to watch when they steal the garbage or kick our water bucket to drink.
Gidro male
Giro baby, carried from the female

Gidro female

One of my favorites here are the flower bug. They are cicadas in they first stadium do they look like little wings dressed in a wedding dress, When reach adulthood they shed themselves and get this lovely red colouration.

These are two different Kingfisher species, a Paradise Fly-catcher and a giant Coua.

At the end my favorite spider over here. They hang on one string close to the ground and wait there for little insects to pass by. They prepared a small net which they gonna use to put over their prey.

Finally, our babies grow up, this is a Labordi female nearly reaching adulthood. They grow so fast, two month ago they weren’t bigger than 3 cm